Author Topic: Young men going missing in manchester is there a killer on the loose  (Read 108529 times)


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Haveyou noticed the age area these youngmen
fit into, except Neil Marsom who is/was 32...
I daresay the Police are considering the age
factor but what about mutual friends,jobs
entertainment, sport,clubs  someone must have
heard talk at sometime..
To me its frightening and I feel so sorry for
the families

Corrupt council

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The link above has similarities to the other mising , man on a night out in manchester goes missing,
Last person to see him is a taxi driver, body found 9 years later at the side of a motorway.

No one knows how he ended up even being near he motorway.



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Maybe there is a rogue taxi driver
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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Or drivers

Corrupt council

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On June the 9th chris brahney was discovered in a Salford canal , he was the widely publicised stone roses fan.

Reported just two days later was another dead body on June the 11th but no one seems to know who the person was.
The story seems to have lost traction and has been forgotten.[/size]

Had a google but can not find any information as to who ,how or where the body came from or how he ended up in the canal.[/size]



« Last Edit: 17:12:37, 21/01/13 by Corrupt council »


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Souvik has possibliy been found in a canal, poor lad :(


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All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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Tell me something weird is not happening now.... :-[

Very sad news for his family...

Corrupt council

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I was not sure if this story should be on this topic celeste, however after reading the links it seems it should be.
I first thought it was just gang related stupidity.
It turns out the gun is being used randomly at strangers with no connection other than the killers access and opportunity to use the weapon

The killers still out on the loose , just surprised this has not made any more news
« Last Edit: 19:23:22, 22/01/13 by Corrupt council »

Corrupt council

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Just been given some good advice by a supreme being thought I should publish it.

 If I was a young man, I'd keep away from canals and rivers, not become separated from friends and be wary about getting in to taxis.

Good advice when out and bout

Manc Lass

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MMmmmm I started putting stuff together when Chris Brahney went missing, then read about David Michael Plunkett, of Shelf, Halifax, went on an organised trip from Leeds to Manchester's Budweiser Music Event at the Daytona race track in Trafford Park and went missing.  Read up its chilling. Read more: Daily Mail on line.   This lad went missing in 2004.

If there is a serial killer on the loose then something needs to be done.   It seems to conicidental and a worry and David Plunkett case dates back to 2004   :o [/color]


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I mentioned the lad who went missing at Daytona, have heard nothing since - another one who got separated from friends - I wonder if some go outside for a smoke and get set on :-\
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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I do remember this case now, it was in the news not so long ago an appeal for information I think.
It's not so far fetched to believe manchester has a seriel killer on the loose

Found this odd fact on another thread
"There have been 112 serial killers from the USA in the last 100 years. In England alone there have been 47. Whilst there have been 2.5 more serial killers in the USA there are 60 times the amount of people living there.

To put that in perspective, per capita there are 24 times the amount of serial killers in England than the USA."

After all manchester did produce shipman Brady and hindley what's to say there's not a forth

Corrupt council

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Found this regarding David ..and have a guess what happened to him[/size]

Stone roses concert and the Daytona concert end up with two young lads being found dead in canals

If you wanted to get rid of evidence putting the body in stagnant water is that a good idea, does it destroy evidence?

Also why does it take ages for the body's to be found?
Floating on top of canal should be very quick , how are they being kept under ?
Are they going in straight away or are they being held somewhere and the body's dumped at a later date?

The canals where they are found have lochs so they can't float very far and they are used a lot by
people. So why the time delay in finding the body's

Are the police not suspicious of these events ?



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My brother, Michael Turner, was found dead in the river Irk on July 28 2012. He was last seen on cctv on July 20 2012. He had a drug problem in the past. He had been clean for 18 months. He was actually on a methadone programme. He started at 80ml and he was down to 34ml, he was almost ready to be weaned off the methadone. He was on his way up. His post mortem was inconclusive to a cause of death, like 98% of the men found in rivers in the past 7 years. There were NO drugs in his blood and alcohol found his blood was well below the drink drive limit. There has been NO appeal for witnesses as apparently there is NO specific dates!!!!!! July 20 & July 28 are obviously not specific dates!!!! He also had a bike which was 4-6 weeks old, never to be seen again, even though he is seen leaving his flat with it on cctv. He had left his mobile & cigarettes in his flat, and a half eaten sandwich. Though he was found with £5 in his pocket. If he intended to kill himself, why take £5? Bus fare to Heaven? Plus, Mike had picked up his perscription for his Methodone for the weekend on the day he was last seen. If he wanted to kill himself would it not of been easier to drink all of that, it would of been enough to kill him, rather than go to the lowest part of the river Irk!!!!! Mike was 43, but there are too many inconsistencies around his death, like the numerous other poor souls found in Manchesters rivers & canals. I will not rest until I find out what happened to him!!!