Author Topic: North West bands wanted for gigs  (Read 4730 times)


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North West bands wanted for gigs
« on: 15:39:13, 21/11/05 »
We are always on the lookout for new bands and new demos with a view to your band playing at one the following types of gigs we promote here at mcr:music.


Academy Unsigned: Weekend and weekday nights at Manchester University Academy 3. Possibly the best unsigned gigs in the UK. Full touring venue & first port of call for bands including Radiohead, Coldplay & Oasis. Your Academy Unsigned gig includes use of full touring production comprising monitors (with monitor desk & engineer), lights & PA. Band can earn £250+ per gig. Full promo for each gig including press/ advertising/print distribution/Academy website coverage. Serious bands only.

Plastic Surgery: Every Saturday night at The Late Room (Central Manchester). Bands followed by club night where all bands’ audience can stay on for club night afterwards, free of charge. Plastic Surgery playing the best Indie, Northern Soul and outright party anthems. Dirt cheap drinks promos all night!


Wired: Every Friday at Manchester University’s brand new 600 capacity basement club/gig venue. Opens September 2005, be one of the first to play this amazing new university venue. Student bands & DJ’s always needed. Get in touch now to play.


You can get access to all of these fantastic gigging opportunities in one phone call. Telephone Jeni on 0161 234 6814 or email [email protected] for dates booking now.

In the first instance, send your demo to



mcr:music ltd.

3rd Floor

24-26 Lever Street


M1 1DZ.


Thank you for your enquiry and I look forward to receiving your demo.

