Author Topic: North Manchester Grammar School For Boys.  (Read 43288 times)


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Re: North Manchester Grammar School For Boys.
« Reply #60 on: 20:36:44, 21/04/24 »
Probably slightly ahead of me, I think I started there in 1965.


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Re: North Manchester Grammar School For Boys.
« Reply #61 on: 04:19:05, 03/09/24 »
Regarding the pervert Sibson…and he WAS a pervert, I know from personal experience. Someone must remember in around 63/64, when a few lads emulated his footsteps as he walked into assembly. All day long an investigation went on and an attempt to force the culprits to fess up, but no one did. So the pervert Sibson made the whole of the school, or at least all the boys from the area where the foot stomping had emanated, line up around the assembly hall, where he proceeded to belt every one of them several times on the hand. I was actually very close to where the stomping started, so I received the punishment.
I remember Sibson appearing on the local tv news channels on a couple of occasions, extolling the virtues of Grammar Schools, hmm! I also remember, that when he retired and went to live in Zambia, everyone had to contribute to his leaving present…a set of suitcases. Were trying to tell him something?
Before his career molesting young boys at NMGSFB, he was headmaster at Barrow-in-Furness Grammar School, where I have no doubt that he indulged in the same sexual proclivities.