Author Topic: Are northerners racist?  (Read 7115 times)

Corrupt council

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Are northerners racist?
« on: 21:33:19, 21/02/13 »
I have always noticed a under current of racism in the northwest on a daily basis , you hear it at work and in conversations by people who claim to be anything but using negative words to describe other cultures and people's .

A friend of mine from down south says when she comes to manchester it is much in your face as she put it than down south.

Pressing her to explain she stated that words such as the P words were used by all in the north even in a Asian persons presence as if they were deaf to the English language.

Are northerners or mancs more racist or more tolerant of racism than the rest of the uk?


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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #1 on: 21:44:21, 21/02/13 »
Some people see themselves as better educated and more tolerant because they are anti-racist - are you saying that this isn't the case with Northerners?
I don't think you can generalise :)
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Johnny P

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #2 on: 22:07:56, 21/02/13 »
You cannot judge a person to be racist simply because of the words they use. By "the P word" IO assume you mean [censored]??? (Don't be scared, it's only a word). I am not racist and I use the term occasionally. But I use it in the same way I would say a "yank" or a "jock". (I must mention here that, as my mothe was from Scvotland, I am a half jock. Also, other nationalities call us "brits" and I don't take offence.

Just to complicate the name game even further....... In my teens (1960s) my best mate was a lad who's father was from Jamaica and very dark skinned. His mother was white so he was what we called, in those days, a "half caste". Another often used term was "coloured". Both these terms were "acceptable". In those days, if you called someone black, it was deemed to be disrespectful. The word racist must have existed then but wasn't used to the extent it is today. Nowadays, if I use the term coloured in front of my daughter, she goes bananas. Black is OK but coloured is not!!! Either way, as far as I am concerned these terms are just words and no disrespect is meant.

Manchester Man

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #3 on: 22:56:25, 21/02/13 »
Taffy, Jock, Paddy, [censored], Ruski, Cannuk, Yank, Kraut. Where do you stop?

I'm afraid than if people wish to call me a racist for using such words then it's a problem they have rather than me. We have apparently  reached a stage where a word describing a persons origin have become taboo.

[censored] seems to be a favourite for this but surely it's just a shortening of the word Pakistani. Just the same as calling an Australian an Aussie. There is absolutely no difference.

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #4 on: 00:32:56, 22/02/13 »
Trouble is that racists of all ethnic origins do use words like that as derogatory terms for inferior races.   Ironically, I think a lot of people who use such terms are anything but racist and that's why they don't see that angle. 
Personally, I choose not to use such words partly because I don't want to offend anyone, but mostly because I would rather die than have members of the BNP hear me and think I supported them.   ;D
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Corrupt council

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #5 on: 05:02:28, 22/02/13 »
Yes I can see cup cakes point that's exactly how I feel , I choose not to offend any one if possible.

Johhny P As for the p word if you were to shorten it would it not be Paks?

I think we have become to custum to using the p word and other derogatory terms to easily without thinking of the consequences it may be having.

I don't know any Asians who find being referred to as the P word complimentary in any way.
As cup cake says its the language of the bnp and the old national front.

I have notice a new word coming into the language when describing Asians and that's "Muslims" yet I never hear  people refered to as Chritians or Protestants.

I had a conversation recently with some one who hates Asians and would like to kill them all if he could. I asked him why he held such racist views.
He told me he was not a racist but he hated there religion.

He refered to them as P words and them Muslims.
To me he was a racist as he used the colour of there skin to identify them, not realising that many are not even religious.


Johnny P

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #6 on: 07:52:39, 22/02/13 »
Just a few things to clarify Corrupt Council...

 First, I am not sure what your point is saying the P word should/could be "Paks" .... It, surely, depends on how much you want to shorten it. If you shorten it to [censored], or even to paks, it is the same. You choose to shorten it to the ultimate. i.e. "P". It means the same, so isn't that as "offensive" as [censored]?

You end your post saying "He was a racist as he referred to the colour of their skin". Surely black people use the term black... and proudly.... to describe themselves??

Not being religious, I have no axe to grind on this one. As for people being referred to as "christians" or "protestants". Are you not aware of what has been going on it Northern Ireland for the last few decades?

Finally, you  don't know any Asians who don't mind being called [censored]. I do. when I sold my previous house about 26 years ago. The buyer, with a grin, introduced himself as Peter [censored]. Obviously, he was a Pakistani (or a [censored].. or a P). Apparently, he was a club owner in the centre of Manchester and that is how he was known in the "clubland" fraternity. It certainly didn't seem to bother him. Like I said in my previous post, it's only a word and whether or not it is offensive depends on the context it is used in.


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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #7 on: 10:03:18, 22/02/13 »
I have just read with increasing irritation the news story about the Birmingham dinner lady sacked after she mistakenly served non Halal food to Muslim schoolchildren. The Muslim parents are screaming that this is not enough punishment, more people up the chain of command should also be sacked.
By way of an apology  for the mistake a spokesperson stated that ALL meat prepared in schools was Halal, and checks were in place to ensure that the serving of NON halal didn't happen again. In other words, the majority of Christian pupils are having Halal meat foisted upon them to appease a minority of pupils.As far as I can ascertain there have been no protests by Christian parents about this.
Now lets reverse the situation. Schools only feed pupils food prepared in the non Halal way? Can you imagine the furore and accusations of racism this would cause by Muslims. Most people were not aware until fairly recently that all chicken sold in the major supermarkets was killed using the Halal method, yet I haven't noticed any major rioting or boycotting of supermarkets over this issue. I don't have a problem eating Halal or Kosher meat, but I do have a problem in having it foisted upon me without being informed as to what I am eating. the same applies to horsemeat.Given the choice I could be tempted to eat it to try it out. However I would want to be told what i was eating beforehand.
Most people of my aquaintence who had never previously had a racist thought in their heads are becoming increasingly intolerant of liberal do gooders bending over backwards to please fairly recently arrived in this country, certain minority groups. To the detriment of people who have lived here all their lives and can see the massive changes taking place in the last few years.
 I live in a typical working class area of Manchester and have observed the massive influx of non EU people flooding into my area in the last 10 years. I don't have a particular problem with this. I can't blame anybody for wanting to improve their lot by coming here. What I do have a problem with however is the politicians who refuse to accept, at least openly the problems mass immigration is causing, who are thus stoking the fires of racial intolerance.
Finally I spent the last few years of my working life working with mainly Muslim people, many of whom I call friends. I know from talking with them that Islam is far more important to them then England will ever be. I have talked to my Muslim friends over this issue many times and they have openly told me that no matter how nice a person I may be, I would never have been allowed to marry a Muslim female under any circumstances. I can honestly say that in my experience Muslims are far and away the most racist group of any I have met. This obviously doesn't apply to all Muslims, but it certainly far and away speaks for the majority of them.
I think the vast majority of decent people only want to see a level playing field, where everybody is treated the same, regardless of race colour or creed.
« Last Edit: 10:28:30, 22/02/13 by Adsum »
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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #8 on: 10:38:51, 22/02/13 »
Why would Christian parents object?  Christianity doesn't have any rules about food.  Turn it around and imagine vegetarians or vegans finding their kids had been served meat and you're somewhere near.  Look at the hoohah over horsemeat, for that matter.....
Islam is not like the lukewarm Western versions of religion.  It is absolutely the core of life for Muslims, and Halal food is not a dietary preference, it is a religious law.  To disobey puts your immortal soul in peril.   On that basis, whilst I have little time for the ranters of this world in general, I can see why there's such distress over this incident.  I don't believe the dinner lady should have been sacked for a genuine error, but I honestly do believe that if someone higher up  is in charge of providing food to Muslim children, they should be replaced if they are unaware or uninterested in the needs of those children. 
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Manchester Man

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #9 on: 11:09:33, 22/02/13 »
I think there are a few points being missed by a mile.

The so called racist names are mainly Nationalistic names shortened.
I don't think there is much of a problem serving Christians Halal meat as most think cows come wrapped in plastic anyway. As for slaughtering, no way is good for the animal.

Calling someone a [censored] is related to where they come from. See what reaction you get if you called an Indian a [censored]. Yet another product of a religious divide, even East and West Pakistan could not get on.

 No-one heard of a "Honkey"  ;D

For real racism South Africa of a few years ago is quite a good example. The Indians are not too far behind with their Caste system.
It's interesting to hear what say Ghanaians think about Nigerians.

I don't think for one minute there are no racist, just that you will find them in every country. People do get a bit confused though trying to be as PC as possible and not understanding what racism is.

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Johnny P

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #10 on: 14:44:02, 22/02/13 »
I agree with Manchester man, in that there seems to be more racial hatred aimed at "us" than coming from us. And even different types of muslims are trying to kill each other.

Are we, also, confusing racism with racial discrimination? As I understand it ( and I am sure I will be corrected if someone doesn't agree) racism is a hatred of another race/creed and the act of preaching this hatred to others. This is in very simple terms.

Racial discrimination, on the other hand, can occur where there is no hatred... or even dislike. I had a conversation, recently, with a friend who used to work for Manchester Corporation.  We were discussing interviews. He set the scene thus..Three people are shortlisted for a job. One was black or Asian, one was disabled in some way and one was white and British. They all had  the same qualifications and experience. Policy dictated that the black/asian or the disabled person would get the job. On yer bike white boy!!

I found this appalling but, apparently, some short sighted, unimaginative clown behind a desk thinks that political correctness is more important than common sense. This isn't racism, as such. It is pure stupidity. But, unfortunately, the results of this political correctness has a negative effect. It causes resentment and mis-trust.... and that is only a step away from hatred and racism.


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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #11 on: 15:27:37, 22/02/13 »
How many times do you think there's a situation with two candidates of exactly equal merit and one is of an ethnic minority, has a disability or is a woman and therefore gets the job?  I worked in recruitment for five years solid, managing an office with eight recruiters and I saw maybe two or three occasions with two candidates exactly neck and neck for a job.  Rarer than a dead heat in a horse race.
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Johnny P

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #12 on: 15:58:58, 22/02/13 »
I agree. It is probably very rare. But, if it happens once and that is the company is wrong.


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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #13 on: 16:33:52, 22/02/13 »
Not only is it wrong, if it happens now, it's against the law and the company would be fined for it.  It's discriminatory practice and contrary to popular belief, the laws are absolutely even-handed.   
Time was some places - largely Labour Councils - did have "Positive Discrimination" guidelines and it was to try and address the fact that minorities - ethnic, gender, disability, whatever, were disadvantaged in most recruitment campaigns.  They did have a guideline that said where two candidates were exactly matched, it was acceptable to take into consideration any minority status.  Gormless idea - patronising to the candidate and of course, it gave rise to the whole "white boys finish last" routine..... 
Nowadays, employers over a certain size are routinely audited on employment and they are asked to state the number of employees by gender, disability, age, ethnicity etc.  If something is askew, like 984 blokes and 6 ladies, or nobody over the age of 35,  then someone will check that recruiting practices are not discriminatory.  Read  the ads placed, look at CVs submitted, shortlists etc.  It's all very low key. 
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Corrupt council

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Re: Are northerners racist?
« Reply #14 on: 18:42:14, 22/02/13 »
After reading a lot of views on here my mind has is made up calling someone a P word seems to be justified because its a short way of saying Asian ! :(

I wonder if johnny p would be so willing to say the N word because he's heard Nigel the (n.......r)  n word saying it? :o

Unbelievable the justifications I have read on this forum. :-\

And of course calling some one a P word Is also justified because you have heard an Asian using it.

Using the language of the bigot it seems is alright in manchester if you can justify  meeting Peter the p word.