Author Topic: Help foreigners to find the best places in manchester - clubs, concerts whatever  (Read 1061 times)


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I'm a German student coming to Manchester in June on a class trip. We are supposed to give a presentation to the class about on thing in Manchester and I chose the music. I found a lot of information online; however, it is often not up-to-date... and I'm kinda looking for new internationally unknow bands - and of course I would be interested in visiting a concert. I know that Oasis and joy Division came from Manchester....

Can anybody help me, please?


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Hi bluebell,

There are a lot of Manchester musicians on

Do a Google search according to your musical tastes.

Click here to see the type of results I obtained when I searched as follows ... MySpace Acoustic Manchester
You need to register on MySpace to add the musicians as friends. I'm meeting ones all over the world online
and other ones in person when they come to play in Belfast at the Rotterdam Bar. Most of the musicians post details of their forthcoming events, and some send you invites to attend events. The site has facilities for you to post bulletins, add comments on your friends sites or send personal messages to your friends. 

« Last Edit: 18:53:08, 30/10/07 by Christopher »


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Hi bluebell

I've come across a few Manchester bands that might interest you.

Folk rocker Al Baker 
The Black Velvet Band
The Black Velvet Buskers 
The Moulettes 

You may spot more bands from Manchester by having a look at these guy's Friends sections.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to assist you earlier in the year but I didn't really look into what MySpace was all about until I met a few musicians who are on the site at the beginning of September. If you are a musician or have a keen interest in music there's no better site.

« Last Edit: 08:26:45, 31/10/07 by Christopher »