Author Topic: Everybody Panic!! Level 3 Heatwave warning for North West  (Read 3752 times)


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Time to Panic Folks!!! Met Office issues a LEVEL 3 HEATWAVE WARNING!!!!!   We were on Level its Level 3 !!!
Killjoy panic mongers offer these pearls of wisdom for those terrified of a few sunny summer days:
Normally, when it is hot, the body copes by sweating.
 As sweat evaporates, the body cools down.
 The NHS advises people to keep cool by wearing loose clothes, staying indoors in the coolest rooms and splashing faces and necks with cold water.
Thank God for the BBC, Met Office & the NHS  O0 ...How, in the name of God, could we be expected to figure out this stuff for ourselves???  ;D
« Last Edit: 16:08:01, 19/07/13 by Wytchfynder »

john carrington

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Laughable in it? Hear people moaning endlessly we don't get summers anymore boo hiss, and then we get a few days of sun shine and they moan about that. Largely the fairer sex I imagine especially the heifers so that 7 out of 10 then......................... :crazy2: 
Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..


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This nanny state nonsense and butting into everyones daily lives with killjoy garbage is getting out of hand. However as a responsible and duly-panicked citizen I've been checking the official guidance if it gets a bit warmer and we end up on the highest level....LEVEL 4 !!!  :o   If any further proof was required that this nanny state thinks we're all thick as two short planks, check out the things you need to know in a Level 4 Heatwave :
  • Listen to alerts on the radio and TV about keeping cool.  ::)  Why??
  • Avoid unnecessary travel.   ??? 
  • Stay inside and in the coolest room in your home as much as possible, and splash yourself with cool water. 
  • Keep the windows closed while the room is cooler than it is outside, and, if it's safe, open the windows at night when the air is cooler than the room. 

  • Sooo.... live indoors like hermits, forget the beach or having fun anywhere outdoors, and keep it glued to the telly or radio for alerts on the fact that  sunshine makes you hot, and open and close windows as required,  but only if its safe as the window might explode!!  :o

  • When will these clowns get off our case and quit with the panic mongering?  ::)
  • « Last Edit: 17:13:29, 19/07/13 by Wytchfynder »


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    Public Health England website is really pushing its luck and taking the mick out of the public with this gem:
    "Remember that it can get uncomfortably hot indoors too. Try to keep your bedroom and living space cool, by closing the curtains on windows that receive the sun and opening your windows at cooler times of the day and overnight when safe to do so. Turn off non-essential lights and electrical items as these generate heat."
    Someone at Public Health has actually got the brass neck to remind us of the one in a million chance of finding ourselves in a hot room in the middle of Summer  ::)  That is grade A scare mongering guff and treating us like total thickos.
    However. as a duly panic stricken citizen under the cosh of having Summer ruined by such patronising guff, I am traumatised by the contradictory advice provided. If people turn off electrical items in their homes to avoid being boiled alive by non essential lights will us thickos be able to listen to the alerts on radio and TV about keeping cool?  :o 

    john carrington

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    Only in good old Blighty eh, there were times in mid August in a aluminium static van in Spain phew have to admit I felt it, especially after a day of hand mixing dogs and English men...
    Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..


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    Too many peecee nanny state agencies knocking around with nothing better to do than annoy people and try and make normal life seem a daily deathtrap. They actually hate us that much theyd love it if we all dropped like flies from the nonsense scaremongering garbage theyre constantly churning out.
    And of course they absolutely love parading their 'authority' over us plebs at every opportunity. that's why they probably invented this heatwave warning level garbage. Same with all those other stupid weather warning systems.
    Anyway, as we're all too thick to figure out how windows work and what sunshine does, I'm gonna make a fortune selling these things
   ;)   Why have the hassle of trying to figure out what windows do when you can make your own clouds?
    « Last Edit: 21:26:07, 19/07/13 by Wytchfynder »

    john carrington

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    Well I'm looking out from my veranda right now, I see kids playing football, hookers selling there wares and nervous people collecting there gear............I don't live in a wuzzy area, people here have much more pressing thoughts on there mind to even think about warm temperatures..............This ain't Cheshire  8)   
    Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..


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    Keep Schtum about people going about their daily lives and failing to stay indoors listening to alerts on how to stay cool, or the peecee wimpo nanny state agencies will crank up the scaremongering action.
    And as for children enjoying themselves playing football? Shameful. Why aint they wrapped up in cotton wool? Expect a blitz of your area by the NSPCC knocking on doors and shoving bags of cotton wool and warning notices through letterboxes cautioning everyone that they are wilfully neglecting the welfare of their offspring by allowing them to have a kick about in a Level 3 heatwave.
    As a duly scaremongered and traumatised citizen, in my book that's a Level 1 child neglect zone, and if the children are being allowed to nip out to the ice cream van without wearing a hat, sunglasses, and covered in sun tan lotion with a minimum SPF of 30 and a mobile phone in case of emergencies, that's a Level 2 child neglect zone in a Level 3 Heatwave  :o
    « Last Edit: 12:50:36, 20/07/13 by Wytchfynder »

    john carrington

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    What an orator you are Whytchy. True fact increase in rickets due to mummy's not letting there offspring out in that nasty dangerous sun. I bet there immune systems are bit on the frail side too........... 
    Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..


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    Youre right there JC..I've heard about the increase in rickets too,  and the reduction in childrens immune systems because theyre not exposed to some good ole fashioned germ/bacteria-ridden muck and dirt and stuff and picking up a few scraches to help them build up a decent immune system. Everywhere covered in Dettol these days and all that. Growing up as a child, playing outside rain or shine,  coming home in mucky clobber and scratches  never did me or millions of others any harm.  I count my blessings I survived the ordeal.  ::)  ridiculous innit.
    « Last Edit: 15:26:30, 20/07/13 by Wytchfynder »

    john carrington

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    Re: Everybody Panic!! Level 3 Heatwave warning for North West
    « Reply #10 on: 15:32:59, 20/07/13 »
    Tell you what Wytchy I don't claim for one minuet to be a macho man, but some of the girls blouses you see today............God they wouldn't of lasted two minuets in rough tough areas I grew up in.
    Perhaps that's a good thing? Well no one will ever push my lad around........see pic.........
    Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..


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    Re: Everybody Panic!! Level 3 Heatwave warning for North West
    « Reply #11 on: 15:45:18, 20/07/13 »
     :o  Messing about outside in the dangerous sun and holding a piece of life threatening germ covered wood?  What kind of caring parent are you?!! :o  Good God JC...get your boy to a hospital asap  ;) 
    Seeing that shadow is also highly disturbing...landing on a shadow is a well known elf n safetee hazard and will worsen injuries.
    Evidently you have failed to conduct a pre-photograph risk assessment.  :o
    « Last Edit: 16:15:23, 20/07/13 by Wytchfynder »

    john carrington

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    Re: Everybody Panic!! Level 3 Heatwave warning for North West
    « Reply #12 on: 16:28:38, 20/07/13 »
    LOL........So shoot me, I told him once to stop winging about his hand, turned out the next day it was broken in two places. I should be locked up, and so should his mother, but she'd popped off to join the Cheshire jet set.................Bitter am I eck..................LOL
    Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..


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    Re: Everybody Panic!! Level 3 Heatwave warning for North West
    « Reply #13 on: 17:02:34, 20/07/13 »
    So you admit to failing to conduct a pre-photo risk assessment,  exposing the boy to potentially lethal germs on a piece of wood,  and failing to protect him from the dangerous sun and fatal radiation risks.  Lob in the fact the boy has not been provided with protective headgear and other stuff, and theres no sign of an ambulance on standby in the piccy, and things aren't looking too good for you matey.  :o
    And now you admit that you told the boy to keep schtum and stop wining whilst you broke his hand with a sledgehammer and attacking the mother with a chainsaw which caused her to flee for her life to Cheshire.  :o
    This is exactly the sort of stuff that happens in a Level 3 Heatwave!!  ;) Level 4..everyones down the butchers pinching the meat cleavers.
    « Last Edit: 17:06:15, 20/07/13 by Wytchfynder »

    john carrington

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    Re: Everybody Panic!! Level 3 Heatwave warning for North West
    « Reply #14 on: 17:15:37, 20/07/13 »
    And don't forget Kent police tried to stop me going to Spain to sort out her new lover with a loaded fire arm. (and they didn't give it back ).
    That was a first take on a film he was making, the final cut had a sawn of 12 gauge.............
    I suppose its not that surprising they refused to process my CRB check...........Please note I did not fail it I should of sued the pants of em.........................Oh yeah sun screen slipped up there, won't forget 
    Please I don't require moral guidance, well perhaps a little..