Author Topic: City pressures Russia over gay law  (Read 9545 times)

Manchester Man

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Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
« Reply #30 on: 23:01:23, 09/08/13 »
Strangely I find myself in complete agreement with CC.

The call for the Winter Olympics to be "Boycotted" is ludicrous. Athletes have trained for years to peak at a specific time and are now being asked not to bother. This is like the attitude of WW1 Generals that would fight to the last drop of someone else's blood.

If you really object to a law that Russia has passed then go and protest in Russia. Don't expect others to make the protest for you.

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Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
« Reply #31 on: 23:36:22, 09/08/13 »
I would agree with you MM - sport and politics shouldn't mix.  Unless Russia segregates or bans gay athletes, the two issues are quite separate.  I doubt anyone will boycott anything - people are just trying to pressure Russia with the prospect of embarrassment.  Won't work - the US actually boycotted the last Moscow Olympics and nobody cared.  Then the Russians boycotted the LA Olympics and nobody cared again.... ;D   
But as for the law itself, CC is missing the point.  This is not about showing gay porn to kiddies at all.  That was illegal before - and quite rightly so.  This law makes it a criminal offence for anyone to provide information of any kind on homosexuality to anyone under 18.  In Russia today, a parent can be arrested and charged for explaining to their 17 year old  son what it means to be gay because he thinks he might be, but isn't.    Any teenager struggling with the issue and needing support is entirely alone, with nowhere legal to go.  That's only going to push young and vulnerable people towards the dodgy places and dodgy people, isn't it?   Surely that's achieving the opposite of child protection?  ???   
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Corrupt council

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Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
« Reply #32 on: 00:47:21, 10/08/13 »

Decide for yourself if the Russian are being Anti gay or acting in the best interest of children protecting them from homosexual pornography.

Click here for the news night episode

Lets see the great friends of the west Saudi Arabia be as open and honest as the Russians on homosexual issues. Or how about Quatar where gay people just do not exist who will be hosting the football soon.

Will there be calls or Quatar to be disallowed to host the games because of people's bedroom habits ?

Lets get this correct its Homosexual material they are trying to ban from children.
The scenario that a cup cake provided was utterly ludicrous on the grounds the age of consent has just been recently raised  to 16 in the Russia that includes homosexual consent.
Under 16 year olds talking to there parents  about their sexuality  would not be illegal , showing graphic pictures or dvds to kids under 16 would be and rightly so, is that not the law in the United Kingdom?
How low do some people want the law to goto for kids to see any sexualised material ?

The cupcake scenario of an 18 year old showing a 17 year old homosexual porn or literature would be LEGAL in Russia , homosexuality is not banned in Russia showing children porn or graphic material is what they want banned.

The Russian laws on gays from wiki
The age of consent currently stands at 16 since 2003, regardless of sexual orientation.
  • Transsexual and transgender people can change their legal gender after corresponding medical procedures since 1997.[note 1][/sup]
  • Homosexuality was officially removed from the Russian list of mental illnesses in 1999 (after endorsing ICD-10).
  • There is currently no legal recognition of same-sex couples in Russia, and same-sex marriages are not allowed. Public support for gay marriages is at 16% as of 2013.[10][/sup][11][/sup]
  • Single persons can adopt children, regardless of sexual orientation, but only married heterosexual couples can adopt children together, as a couple.[note 2][/sup]
  • Gay people (at least officially) can serve in the military on a par with heterosexual people since 2003.[2][/sup]



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    Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
    « Reply #33 on: 10:42:04, 10/08/13 »
    You and Putin are clearly fine with sexualised material being shown to people under 18 as long as it's not gay.  Fine with bestiality, rape, torture, BDSM, [censored] - as long as it's hetero.  Otherwise, this protective law you would have given those things at least a passing mention in the drive to keep kids from the nasty stuff?   ???
    Unfortunately, I am never going to be persuaded that passing a law that targets any minority in a discriminatory way is a step foward.  And I think we're all well aware by now that reasoned discussion won't affect your opinions.  So we are just going to have to agree to disagree and leave it at that.
    It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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    Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
    « Reply #34 on: 09:49:58, 21/08/13 »
    Quote Corrupt council:
    If you do some research you will find that pornography is illegal in Russia  , a small loop hole has allowed the use of porn to be sold.

    In 1996 in Russian Criminal Code became a federal legislation that prohibited sale and production of The section provides for a penalty of up to 2 years in prison. Authorities missed a critical definition—the one of actual pornography. While pornography is officially illegal to sell in Russia, the law doesn’t spell out in exact terms the subject of the ban. Russian erotica is sold openly in sex shops and DVD stores. Newspapers publish information about police raids on such places on a monthly basis.
    Russia is now working on tightening its laws regarding pornography and is using the guiding principal of the family values at its core.
    All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

    Corrupt council

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    Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
    « Reply #35 on: 19:16:55, 21/08/13 »
    Quote Corrupt council: O0
    If you do some research you will find that pornography is illegal in Russia  , a small loop hole has allowed the use of porn to be sold.

    In 1996 in Russian Criminal Code became a federal legislation that prohibited sale and production of The section provides for a penalty of up to 2 years in prison. Authorities missed a critical definition—the one of actual pornography. While pornography is officially illegal to sell in Russia, the law doesn’t spell out in exact terms the subject of the ban. Russian erotica is sold openly in sex shops and DVD stores. Newspapers publish information about police raids on such places on a monthly basis.
    Russia is now working on tightening its laws regarding pornography and is using the guiding principal of the family values at its core.


    If only the rest had been posted...


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    Re: City pressures Russia over gay law
    « Reply #36 on: 20:08:24, 21/08/13 »
    Quote Corrupt council -


    If only the rest had been posted...
    Not letting you loose on the rampage ;D 
    All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing