Author Topic: How many coronation streets stars can be suspended in one year!  (Read 6217 times)

Manchester Man

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'Things can only get better'

Hope your not holding your breath celeste  ;D

Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes your time and annoys the pig.


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Hope springs eternal - I don't watch Corrie any more although real life seems to be more shocking than the story lines - who would have thought it!
I did have a look to see who was going into the CBB house and guess what - the actor who played Les Battersby (Bruce ?) 
maybe Chris Fountain will make a guest appearance :o
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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not watched it for years am not a soap person which is why i'm so grimey :)
fate keeps on happening

Corrupt council

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I grudge nobody their pleasures, so good for you, but it's TV's lowest point ever in my world.   
I noted Celebrity BB is about to begin.  I am proud to say I saw not one second of the last series, or indeed of the recently finished plebeian version.  Couldn't name anyone in either gang.  I hope to maintain my perfect record.....

So you did watch the show for the last 12 series ?



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I think everyone knows by the publicity given to it in the media that the housemates are in the main people from reality TV shows, with a few sports and the token American thrown in - and the spin-off discussion show really milks it - it starts off with everyone introducing themselves and being friendly and then people gravitate towards others with a common interest usually, then the bitching starts, one thing I've noticed is that the winner is usually one of the nice people so it shows the public know who they like :)
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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I find the winners are usually the ones who don't get any adverse publicity and are the bankable ones for the show series.
It's so fixed by the director and producers. There plenty of betting going on in the background.

I was truly surprised when ulrika beat Manchester's terry. That's the only surprise I have ever seen on the show.

Since 5 took over I think it's actually got better.

Any one who wants to be snobby and say its the bottom of the pit of tv are just snobs.

It's exactly the same as any soap or mini tv series or drama movies- it's all about relationships build ups and break downs that's the entire basis of corrie, eastenders, big brother , celebrity get me out of here.



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I was surprised that Ulrika beat Terry too, I really didn't see that coming and I don't think he did either
I think the voting can be stopped at any time ;)
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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The bookies lost a fortune on the terry loss as ulrika was a fixed vote , producers  had a flutter or decided that the show need a surprise. So they deliberately made the most disliked women on the show win. Sorry Uk win

No matter it was good tv , no one comes out of it skint they all make a few bob.
Everyone forget who they are  after week or two , I can only remember a handful of the winners , never mind the losers.

Corrupt council

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So the media say GTA V will cause players to commit crime.

Utter rubbish,I've got the Coronation Street board game and I'm not a rapist.