I can never decide whether they all deserve a medal or all need psychiatric assistance. Absolute madness, what they do. One tiny mistake and that's the end of that......
Years ago it was proven in various surveys that a lot of racing car spectators watched in the anticipation that that there was going to be a spectacular crash. Back then that almost invariably involved a fatality. There was hardly a season passed without another driver being killed or badly injured in those days. Thanks to a number of prominent drivers becoming more safety conscious after a few headline grabbing fatalities, insisting on major improvements, the race car manufactures and track designers got their acts together and things started to improve with not only the car, but the drivers safety in mind.
Nowadays we are used to seeing crashes where the driver walks away, that a few years ago would have seen the driver almost certainly badly injured or worse.
The strange thing is that one can witness a driver crash his car in practice at over 100 miles per hour, jog back to the pits and drive in the race and sometimes win the next day. Yet you accidentally bump into a car on the road at 3 miles per hour and the other driver has whip lash and all kinds of injuries.

Who remembers the fairground Dodgem rides, where we would happily smash into each others cars as part of the fun. Where were the, "You may have been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault" Ambulance chasers when you needed one back then?