Author Topic: Young men going missing in manchester is there a killer on the loose 2014*  (Read 20145 times)


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I wasn't sure that all the bodies were found,  particularly David Plunkett :-\

Adsum may know about the bridge you mentioned.

I agree about your suicide theory too
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I wasn't sure that all the bodies were found,  particularly David Plunkett :-\

Adsum may know about the bridge you mentioned.

I agree about your suicide theory too

I believe it was Adam Pickup who was found behind the white gates in Beaufort St. Castlefield. I have left the landmarks in so the street can be easily recognised. A terrible tragedy for this poor young man and his loved ones.


« Last Edit: 17:52:21, 19/01/15 by Adsum »
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Corrupt council

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Hi, I've joined the forum as I've been following the thread, and wanted to give my thoughts on a few things that have been playing on my mind.
Firstly, morbid as it sounds .. if I were going to commit suicide, I don't think jumping into a river or canal would be my chosen way of doing so. I don't feel that jumping into a canal  would guarantee the results that one may be wanting if they were absolutely set on doing this.

Secondly, I'm not from Manchester so I don't know the area's well, but in the case of Adam Pickup, I read a report that suggested he may have died from the result of a fall, but that he was fpubd under a bridge with an 8 foot gate. What is above this bridge where he was found? Is it easily accessible? I find it odd that there is no CCTV after the few moments we have already seen where he is walking with others.

Lastly, in the case of David Michael Plunkett, I read a report that his parents whilst on the phone to him, heard him let out a unearthly howl/scream, then his mother said the line went completely silent but was connected for 2 or 3 hours. I wonder, if the scream they heard was because he tripped and fell into the canal, wouldn't his mother have heard the sounds of water? Not silence.
When he was found, were there any injuries on him to suggest that he howled because he hurt himself (broke an ankle, for instance).
Also, I wonder whether the police were able to locate where he was when the call was connected and compare it to where he was found? (Not sure if this is possible).
Also, if he had fell directly into water, his phone surely wouldn't have stayed connected for 2 or 3 hours, would it? My thoughts are that a phone in water would go dead almost immediately.

Sorry if you have already covered some of these.

My thoughts on the whole things are that I can see how some of the deaths are alcohol related accidents, but I just don't think ALL of them seem to be that straightforward. I do think there is more to it.

Maybe someone could start a petition for some more CCTV around these areas?

Some very interesting points you have brought to the forum.
Something I never realised was about the phone and the water.
Lot of information missing I think or being with held by the police.



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Its shame we can't get the missing info somehow :(


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Some comments,

from the Evening News -

northwest0161  • 5 hours ago 

They'll do anything but tackle the real cause which is the nihilistic drinking culture in the city centre. It would hit profits and that's their main concern because being a "vibrant party town" is their only plan.

Whether there's a "pusher" or not isn't the only issue. People get into a state where they are vulnerable to all kinds of dangers not just water. I've seen people asleep around the canal at Dale Street.

I predict these measures will have no effect whatsoever and sadly we'll keep on seeing deaths until laws on licensing and drunkeness are properly enforced, cheap alcohol in shops tackled and people are encouraged to have some self-restraint in public again.
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DaveAncoats > northwest0161  • 3 hours ago 

Birmingham has a similar drinking culture yet they have only had a handful of deaths in recent years. Yes, Manchester cannot afford to be left behind on nightlife. More people than ever before are living in the city centre precisely because it offers great nightlife, we can't shut it down due to a tiny minority. I personally hate to see people extremely drunk, especially when they get aggressive and rowdy, but I think people need to learn to take responsibility for themselves and the police should not be so lenient with idiots. If you put the extra measures in place and raise awareness about this particular issue with the canals, as is happening now and people still fall victim to this then you have to ask why they are not taking responsibility for their own lives.
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northwest0161 > DaveAncoats  • 27 minutes ago 

I don't think it is a minority though. These deaths are the most extreme consequence of night-time behaviour that's widespread. There are also many people who are drunk and who are robbed, raped, beaten, become pregnant or HIV+ or who themselves become violent and are the aggressors. Not to mention the health issues which in many cases are yet to come with the public picking up the tab.

Besides a few medical experts and the occasional police officer we hear very little. Everyone else is on the gravy train making money from alcohol and they see these victims as collateral damage and a price worth paying.

Of course they have to pretend to act and do something so a few extra handrails and fences are suggested.

I think many of the politicians in Manchester are just trying to keep the party going for a year or two more until they retire. After which they won't be seen for dust. Think of all the familiar names who are a similar age.
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Andy > northwest0161  • 4 hours ago 

You're right to raise concerns about the state people get in to, people need to take responsibility for their own well-being.
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All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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Only problem with the party night life theory is why Dont girls get drunk and fall in?
Also some of the victims were last reported as not being intoxicated.
So it may be an explanation for some of the victims but not the majority.


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One more for the list

"There's nothing to worry about it's just a coincidence". That must be true because Pat Karney says so. In the meantime how many more young men must lose their lives in this area before the powers that be do something constructive about it?  ::)
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Lot of information missing I think or being with held by the police.

They should give us an update on what they've been doing
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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Young man drowned no witnesses the usual suspect.
This went unnoticed another death in the canal.a few days ago.
Manchester must have the most dangerous water ways in the world.


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Any news on the police investigations?
« Last Edit: 19:43:19, 02/03/15 by celeste »
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing