Hi .
With your claim that "Protestors" claim to be protecting my interests" please read on.
Just for the record, I am not a protestor, but I do support them. From what I can see I am really happy to that there are people out there who care so much and done so much research into it, to take time out of their lives to protest. The shell gas fracking organisations want to get permission to frack under anyone’s house without their permission. The rock underneath our land is connected, and if you purposely put in water, and drill holes the crack can get bigger and anywhere in that piece of rock that is weak will crumble and break. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to imagine this. If you look around the world, whereever there is fracking, there follows an increase in earthquakes and sinkholes. When this happens in 1 or two places, you can put it down to coincidence. But as this the same story start appearing, this is no longer a coincidence is it? Im sure protecting your life, property and community is in your interest? So in this sense they are protecting your interest.
Also fracking contaminates the underground water, when you do that, there is no turning back. You need to start buying bottled water. In the case of fracking, the are where fracking happened, the water can be set a light, just like petrol. In this sense again, Im sure you would agree protecting the local water supply, so that the water that comes out of your taps, and flows down your local river isnt contaminated is in your interest. Isnt it?
In America, the people are getting ill who live around in the fracking area, because of the water and air (please remember we are a small country, and these US states are much bigger than ours). Because the chemicals that are used in the fracking process a trade secret is the gagging order for anyone they tell not to pass this information on. Let’s say you get ill and your doctors has eliminated everything he/she can think off and assumed the chemicals used by these frackers is what casing this epidemic he/she is seeing in the local community recently and puts in a court order to get this information, once they have got it, they cant tell you the reason why your ill. Therefore you cannot sue or see if anyone else is having the problem as you. Im sure you would want to know about it, if it is you or your family friends who are getting ill.
The government in the UK, as already passed on a bill, saying that the UK tax payers will pay for any environmental cleanup from these fracking company if they do bankrupt. Now how hard is it, for a company to declare themselves bankrupt and open under a different name, just do they don’t have to pay out of cleaning up / or being sued etc… The country is skint already, we cant clean up their mess. Once our river and land are polluted there is no turning back. Just look at China. There is only minimising the effects on people and coming up with solutions to avoiding using the ground. Im sure it is your interest to make sure this doesn’t happen. And our tax money is going on other stuff like the NHS, rather than dealing with clean up operations, health related problems, environmental operations, etc… because of these crooks?
These are just a few things, Ive come up with. I am sure if you look into fracking, then you will start thinking more of your own.