Author Topic: Rochdale 'suppressed' child abuse report by health professional  (Read 7365 times)


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Knowl View: Report into abuse at Rochdale school 'suppressed'By Richard Bilton
BBC News
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Mr Shepherd says he is amazed his report did not lead to appropriate action at the time
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A health professional who reported widespread child abuse at a school for vulnerable boys has told the BBC he believes his report was "suppressed".

Phil Shepherd visited the Knowl View School in Rochdale in 1991 and is to give evidence to an independent inquiry set up by the council.

He says he was told boys as young as eight were working as prostitutes while others had been "forced" to have sex.

Rochdale Council says it cannot comment ahead of the inquiry.

In April, police began a fresh investigation into allegations of abuse and a possible cover-up at Knowl View. The separate independent inquiry is investigating whether Rochdale Council could have done more.

Mr Shepherd, who attended Knowl View to offer sex education training for staff, told the BBC what he was told by them was a "bombshell".

"I wrote a report. I imagined it blowing up anytime soon. The fact that it didn't has always amazed me," he said.

The BBC has obtained a copy of Mr Shepherd's original report from 1991.

In it, he wrote: "…parents of children at the school would be horrified were the facts to be known.

"Unless some incisive action is taken soon it is more than likely that this activity will become a public scandal".

He writes in the introduction that "most of the day was spent with the staff voicing very strong feelings about problems at the school, in particular concerns about the safety and behaviour of some of the 36 boys".

He goes on to detail claims that men from as far away as Sheffield were travelling to Rochdale to abuse five boys aged between eight and 13 who were working as prostitutes at public toilets. He wrote at the time that police were "aware of the problem" but "what action has been taken is not known".

Mr Shepherd adds that there had apparently been efforts made to reform the "disorganised" school but his own attempts to "clarify what action" had been taken by agencies involved with the pupils had "so far been fruitless".

Knowl View School
Residential school opened in 1969 initially as a joint venture between councils in Oldham, Bolton, Rochdale and Lancashire
Closed in 1995
Independent review set up by Rochdale Council will examine all decision making relating to Knowl View from the late-1980s to school's closure
More than 10 former pupils at the school have come forward as part of Greater Manchester Police's current investigation into abuse
He believes all three reports were ignored; that parents were never told what had happened to their boys.

Knowl View School opened in 1969 and closed in the mid-1990s.

It was a residential school for vulnerable boys. At various points Cyril Smith, the late MP for Rochdale who has been accused of abusing boys, was a governor.

Mr Shepherd says he will use the opportunity of giving evidence to the council inquiry to say his report was ignored, and believes a cover-up is the only explanation.

"To be honest with you, I can't see any other reason that it hasn't come out and it wasn't dealt with effectively at the time," he said.

The BBC has seen documents that seem to show his report was passed onto other departments within the council, and to the police.

A council investigation was requested a month after Mr Shepherd's report. Despite it detailing abuse and prostitution, an investigation was ruled out six weeks later.

Mr Shepherd believes not enough was done to help the children.

"I still find it hard to believe. I'm looking for an alternative to cover-up. It could've been repressed, it could've been hidden, it could have been locked away. I just don't understand."

It is 23 years since Mr Shepherd visited the school.

Asked whether he thought he should have done more at the time, he said: "I've looked back and thought about it often - certainly more recently - and thought I possibly should've done more. I'm not sure what it would've been."

'Complete cover-up'
Two other reports were written about Knowl View in the early 1990s. They were commissioned by Rochdale Council and, like Mr Shepherd's report, detailed the abuse of boys.

Extract form Phil Shepherd's 1991 report Three reports from the 1990s are said to have detailed abuse at the school Other documents suggest changes were being planned but some at the school say not enough was done.

Martin Digan was a social worker at Knowl View and also believes all three reports were ignored; that parents were never told what had happened to their boys.

"It's a complete cover-up by Rochdale Council. Not one parent has seen a report; not one of the children has seen a report."

He too will give evidence to the independent council inquiry. He says he hopes the children will get the justice they have been denied.

'I feel very strongly. By no means have they had any justice yet.'

A number of boys who were at Knowl View are taking legal action.

Solicitor Alan Collins, from Slater & Gordon, is representing two of them. He says Mr Shepherd's belief his report was covered up is important.

"It is very significant if Mr Shepherd is of the opinion that his report was covered up. There he was, at the heart of an investigation and here we are in 2014 with him saying he believes that there was a cover-up."

Mr Collins added: "All the evidence so far points to that report remaining under the radar, and with it, the legitimate question can be asked: Was there a cover-up?"

Detectives investigating the allegations of abuse at Knowl View say they have identified more than 21 suspects, including Smith. Ten people have said they were abused.

Asked about documents seen by the BBC detailing abuse allegations at the school, Chief Superintendent Russ Jackson of Greater Manchester Police said they would now "be treated very differently and prompt a very different response".

One former pupil called Peter says he was abused by a staff member on the first day he arrived at the school at the age of 11.

He said the "worst nights" were when people were brought from outside the school.

"We were raped. There was a flat. We were taken there and plied with drink and raped."

The independent inquiry into the role of Rochdale Council is due to report at the end of July.
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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What with this scandal and the abuse of under-age girls the town council needs to start repairing the image of Rochdale

All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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I don't know whether this is true - the enquiry will sort that out, but if that man felt parents would be horrified by the sexual abuse of their children, why did he not tell them about it?  How on Earth do you get up every morning knowing that's going on and say nothing?  Especially when it's your damn job to stop it....  a copy of the report posted to the parents would have done the job.  One call to the papers at the time.  If his tale is at all true, he's a disgusting specimen.   >:(
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A call to the papers was my initial reaction too - I just hope that people who know of anything like this going on call the newspapers - it's diabolical
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Child Abuse seems to have been rife and not just in the UK.

I found this article really shocking,it has not been reported in the UK Media.
Holding on to anger is like drinking poison.


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Catholicism is not a kind religion.  Unmarried mothers and their children were regarded as little more than human refuse and treated accordingly.  Children of sin would be chucked out with the rubbish if they died, not buried with decency.  The whole world was a harsher place then though - if a baby was premature or a woman miscarried in any hospital, the dead child would be incinerated with all the other medical waste.  No pictures, no funeral, nothing.    The welfare state is far from perfect, but what preceded it was barbaric.
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Corrupt council

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Child Abuse seems to have been rife and not just in the UK.

I found this article really shocking,it has not been reported in the UK Media.
A good find I have to say. The Irish catholics seem to be specialist in a form of child abuse.

Its a country with a small population yet has a massive amount of child abuse cases that seems out of proportion to its size.

Religion , violence and surpresed sex all in the mix not to mention intollerence of others seems to have fuelled the child molestation.

A lesson to be learned

Cowboy Dan

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If there were reports made in 1991, why is a stink only being made NOW?  Those reports are old enough to drink anywhere in the world.

Why were the boys who were punked silenced for so long?  I'm sure some of them identified with that way of life, but certainly not all of them. Had I been one of those boys, I'd have likely been to prison for at least one murder, maybe more.  They would have been as vicious as I could possibly have imagined, as they ought to have been. 

Had my son been one of their victims, I would've killed the lot of them, or died trying.  Is British manhood really & truly  dead, or was Pink Floyd right when they said "leading lives of quiet desperation is the English way?"


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He was less interested in saving children from abuse than he was in keeping his job.  Now, he's interested in distancing himself from the whole thing before someone from that school talks to the papers and he's presented as the man who knew and said nothing. 
I am honestly not sure whether I despise him even more than I despise the abusers.  To walk away and do nothing beggars belief. 
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Cowboy Dan

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I thought I read that there were three reports.  If so, he's not the only coward in the lot.  Maybe he also  [censored] a boy or two while he was there.

Maybe he's dying and wants to clear his conscience.

Stateside, they say between three and five percent are homosexuals.  Is the British number higher or lower, or does anyone know or care?


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 ??? Homosexuality has no specific link with child abuse.  Statistically, the vast majority of paedophiles are heterosexual married men aged 30-45, with kids of their own that they don't abuse.    That's why schools ban cameras on sports days... :-\
I doubt this man was an abuser.  Just a jobsworth with an eye on his pension.  All this recent interest in historic abuse cases must have a fair few of his sort twitching.  Karma if you ask me.
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Corrupt council

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Its strange how these stats are collected, gay men are not the majority of child abusers .
Its more likely to be hetro sexual men.


 If you look at the population of straight men overwhelming 95 percent.
Then compare it to to gay population a statistic jumps out that can not be denied.

For such a small percentage of the population gay men carry out a huge amount of sexual abuse to children , way more than the straight population of heterosexuals.



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It's just been on the radio that images of child porn on the internet is of epidemic proportions

 :police: :police:
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Its strange how these stats are collected, gay men are not the majority of child abusers .
Its more likely to be hetro sexual men.


 If you look at the population of straight men overwhelming 95 percent.
Then compare it to to gay population a statistic jumps out that can not be denied.

For such a small percentage of the population gay men carry out a huge amount of sexual abuse to children , way more than the straight population of heterosexuals.

And your figures to support this are glaringly absent..... ???
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« Last Edit: 22:33:29, 18/06/14 by celeste »
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing